Bus Route & Stop Information
Zionsville Community Schools primary goal is to safely transport students to and from all schools. The following information is to help you understand how routes and bus stops are determined.
Bus routes are always planned to achieve maximum safety of operation with maximum economy within the limitations of rules and regulations governing transportation.
New Resident?
If you are a new resident needing bus stop information, here is some helpful steps to get you through that process.
All new students register with Lynn Kissel at the Education Service Center. Once you have registered, please allow 24 hours for the appropriate information to travel to the Transportation Center. All new students are automatically assigned to a bus route. If you move in during the months of October – June please call the Transportation Center at 317-873-1237 to speak to the Routing Assistant, Sally Plummer.
If you are moving within our district, here is some information to help you get your student assigned to a new bus.
Please verify all address changes with Lynn Kissel at 317-873-2858 x11230. Please allow 48 hours for the appropriate information to travel to the transportation database. After the 48 hour wait period, please contact the Transportation Center at 317-873-1237 so you can speak to our Routing Assistant, Sally Plummer. You will then receive your new bus number, bus stop information, driver information, and start date.
Routing Guidelines