How to Create an EZChildTrack Account
Step-By-Step instructions
(Best if done on a computer, not a cell phone)

Click on the EZChildTrack link on the Grow/Childcare Services webpage.
Choose the appropriate sign-in option:
Blue-Sign In=Existing Universal Preschool Families
Purple-New Parent=New families who do not have an EZChildTrack account
Green-Existing Parents=After your registration is complete, you can access this option to set up your password.
*If you had an EZChildTrack account but no longer have access or cannot retrieve your account number, please email Becca King at [email protected]*
Fill out the requested information:
- You will need to know if your child is a PK3 student (3 by 8/1/2025) or PreK4 student (4 by 8/1/25)
- You will need to establish an emergency contact, and a person(s) authorized to pick up, including phone numbers.
- Doctor information (optional)
- The first date of service/school is August 5, 2025.
Choose your home school location:
- If you are unsure of your home school, you can click on this link to look up your School by Subdivision
- If you are unsure or do not live in a subdivision, contact Lynn Kissel, Residency Specialist, at [email protected]
Choose Your Child’s Class:
- PreK3 (3-4-year-olds; must be 3 by 8/1/2025)
- PreK4 (4-5 year-olds; must be 4 by 8/1/2025)
Find the option that represents the number of days you are requesting:
- PreK3- 5 days, 3 days (M-W-F), or 2 days (T-TH); Full or Half days
- PreK4-5 days; Full or Half days
Enter Payment Information:
- We need this for the $150 registration fee
- You will only be charged the registration fee if your enrollment request has been accepted and your Universal Preschool spot is secured