School Hours


We strongly encourage use of this safe and valuable service.
The health and safety of ZCS students is our highest priority. ZCS employs dedicated, highly trained and specially licensed professional bus drivers who are familiar with our students and community. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), school buses are seven times safer than traveling by car or truck. As of this writing, we provide 61 elementary, 47 middle school, and 15 high school daily bus routes in the morning and afternoon and more than 1800 educational/sporting event field trips yearly. Our professional transportation department has a flawless, multi-year bus inspection record with the Indiana State Police. Utilization of our bus transportation service is highly recommended in order to assist with efficient school operations, minimize the impact on our community traffic patterns, and continue responsible use of the resources provided by your tax dollars. If all ZCS families would utilize the bus service we provide, we would improve safety on our campuses at the start and end of the school day, and reduce the frequency of traffic snarls, accidents, and injury. Please consider having your child/ren ride the school bus to school.

Most ZCS elementary bus routes will begin at 7:15 AM. Kindergarten students may ride the bus in the morning provided they are registered for Bridge (8:00-9:00 AM). Elementary and Developmental Preschool Students will be released from buses to enter school by 7:50 AM. Middle School bus routes will begin at 7:50 AM. Buses will arrive at middle schools no earlier than 8:30 AM.

Elementary K-4 will load buses at 2:30 and depart promptly by 2:40 PM. Middle School will load buses at 3:45 PM. High School will load at 3:40 PM.

*School principals will communicate specific building procedures on traffic direction and car rider protocols key to student safety.


I have a kindergartener. Do I need to sign up for Bridge?
Bridge is from 7:50am to 8:50am M-F. If you want your kindergarten student to ride the school bus or get dropped off with your 1st – 4th grade student you will need to sign up for Bridge. EZChild Track

What happens during Bridge?
Bridge is an hour of enrichment for kindergarten students. They will enjoy play with peers, character development, gross motor activities, arts/crafts, games, playground, etc. Students are ready for their academic day after an hour of fun with peers.

What about the language program through Eagle Rec?
(Early Start, LAL, French) Early start for Pre-K to Kindergarten will offer two opportunities for classes. Kindergarteners can take Spanish instead of Bridge (can ride the school bus) or they can take it after school at 2:30. Preschoolers can take Spanish from 2:35 – 3:25pm. LAL and French will offer their programs directly after school. All programs will be M-F. Registration is through Eagle Rec.

Can my child come to BAC or Bridge occasionally?
Yes. You will need to pay a registration fee and then sign up for the days on EZChild Track.

My children used to participate in Kindergarten Swim, and I wanted to know if that would continue.
The Aquatic Center offers a fee-based program called “Elementary Swim”. Any K-4 student can participate and will receive oneway transportation to the aquatic center.

I have a middle school student. Do you offer childcare for 5th-8th graders?
Middle School JAM is held at PVE for care starting at 6:45am and ending at 6pm. Students will be bused to/from their middle school for their academic day. EZChild Track Registration: BAC, Bridge, JAM, Preschool EZChild Track Registration Eagle Recreation and Enrichment: Early Start Spanish (Preschool-K), LAL (Learn Another Language 1st-6), L’Ecole Francaise (French – K-6) Eagle Rec Registration